When you are in sorrow, you can depend on calling upon |
When men fail you and you need some encouragement call on |
When you need to be fruitful, then why not give John a call |
When you sin and need guidance then you may want to call upon |
When you feel you are worrying to much, then why not call |
When you see yourself in danger you really need to call |
When God just seems to far away then you have to get in touch with |
When your Faith needs to be stirred up why not talk to |
When you are lonely and sad then why not call on |
When you need to be comforted because of fear then call again on |
When you grow bitter, critical and you are not being kind then call |
When you feel down and out and don’t know what to do, then call on |
When you need some peace of mind, heart, need to get a hold of |
When the world seems to come down or get bigger than God call on |
When you need some Christian assurance then why not give a call to |
When you leave home for work or travel and need some assurance then call |
When you start looking for an invention or opportunity then you need to call on |
When your prayers seems like they are becoming selfish and they grow narrow then you must call |
When you need some courage for something you are working on then you just call |
When you become depressed and have no energy to do anything then why not call upon |
When you start to loose confidence in yourself or others then why not call upon |
For Paul’s secret to full happiness in life then you need to pick up the bible and call on |
When you cannot sleep and need rest and peace then you just need to call upon |
When you purse or wallet becomes empty then you need to give a call to |
When you need to learn how to get along with your fellow man call on |
For an Idea on how to become a Christian which is the best way to Christ call upon