The Right Heart / Right Things
2 Chronicles 25:1-2
Have you actually stopped and thought how your heart is, how your heart loves , how it holds anger, how t gives, having wrong motives, right motives??
We all have hearts, or we wouldn’t be alive… Right??
There really are people who hate , lie cheat and are just as crooked as ever but they think God approves of their hearts and how they think and believe.
This is NOT true. God goes by what our hearts are and how much we have love in them, He knows we are not perfect He knows we will mess up, and do things and say things we shouldn’t, but Our Hearts are what really matters to him.
You cannot get to heaven with a hateful rebellious evil heart. That is filled with malice and corruption, so don’t never think you can and will because you won’t be able to go.
I have listed the Two Kinds of Hearts Below, I hope this helps you.
There are 2 parts to the heart!
1. Physical Heart
2. Spiritual Heart
Physical Heart – which is the most important organ in our bodies, and without it, we are dead. My husband always calls his heart a “thumping gizzard” I really think it’s funny, but then again it’s not.
Spiritual Heart – This is an important part of our Spiritual being, our Spiritual life. And, this is the most important part of our life, we can give to God openly and freely.
Have you actually sat down and thought about the actual condition of your heart? There are many let’s take a look at some because we have to make sure our hearts are right and ready for God to use and build in His Specifications so to speak:
1. Loving Heart
2. Caring Heart
3. Selfish Heart
4. Hateful Heart
5. Resentful Heart
6. Cold and Callus Heart
7. Bitter Heart
8. Positive Heart
9. Negative Heart
10. Giving Heart
11. Graceful Heart
12. Humbled Heart
13. Slanderous Heart
14. Mouthy Heartfelt Attitude
15. Revengeful Heart
16. Anger Filled Heart
17. Deceitful Heart
18. Murderous Heart
19. Greedy Heart
20. Lustful Heart
21. Compassionate Heart
22. Honest Heart
23. Ungrateful Heart
24. Happy Heart
25. Sad Heart
26. Depressed Heart
27. Lonely Heart
28. Evilness of Heart
29. Lying Heart
Just, which kinds of heart is inside you? Which one do you think God wants us to have?
There could be many –– but more could be added, but truthfully what right Heart do you think is the right kinds of hearts??
When we take a long look at what our hearts are and what they contain, that’s really seems and becomes a serious question, doesn’t it?
We have to make sure we have the Right Heart for the Right Things, but our own attitudes should be right also. They must be inline with the Lord and Pleasing to Him.
The Right Heart to have is “ Giving Heart” the Lord wants us to be giving in all areas. Yes, it’s good to be loving, caring, gracious, compassionate, honest, Happy, it’s great to be all these; but we cannot have these kinds of hearts –– unless we have a Giving Heart! |