Worship – Praise God Always
1 Chronicles 23:30
When we lived in Mississippi the first time, things were really rough and whether , ones don’t believe when I tell this, but I am not going to worry about it, but due to all we were going through and not enough to go around it was hard.
We were living off $138.00 to $164.00 a week for us both. We had car payment, rent, utilities, groceries, gas to and fro to Jackson for husbands training to drive 18-wheeler, phone bill etc it was disconnected due to we couldn’t afford to pay all our bills. Our meals were, scrambled eggs and chopped up hot dogs fried together, scrambled eggs and ground beef fried together this was most of our meals, etc it was disconnected due to we couldn’t afford to pay all our bills. But, we made it, but then I had to learn patience and bad.
Husband, changed jobs and started working at Simpson County Wrecker in Mendenhall Ms. We ended up moving there, his boss Danny got us a trailer and put it on his land– make a long story short, later on my stereo went out, yep it sure did, they were waiting to come and get my Mazda and boy it just hit me and I just broke –-literally.
My car we had to pay $80.00 a week and then above all things my stereo. This was my gospel music we’re talking about here and that really got me. I broke I pleaded for it to work, I begged, I cried, I fell to the floor and asked, why my stereo why? I kept pleading for God to make it work, I mean I lost it, it was like my world ended right then and there, because where we were that was the only way I could listen to and sing and praise the Lord with my gospel music.
Then all the sudden I had this peace and even though we were having it rough. I learned patience right then it was like something happened inside me, it was like Jesus and I finally make that connection I needed at the time in my life that I thought was the end, to my gospel music where I can praise Him through the gospel music and it was just awesome when I had that feeling.
Even though I know God is everywhere, people tell me that all the time about this, but what they do not realize is, for the first time, I felt Jesus’ Presence within me back then… this was in 1997.
My “Thankfulness” just beamed through and I was just ecstatic and God made a way for me to feel the peace through what I thought was devastating to me. God was there for me, even at my worst moment.
There is more to this, but what I learned and what I started doing was being more thankful, I had more patience and God got us through. He was there in the midst of the storm I was having, it may not seem much to you, but you would’ve had to been there to see, how devastating it was for me.
I learned to be Thankful through our rough times and not only the good times, I learned to trust Him, because we was really having a tough and rough time. Due to being thankful and trusting Him and telling God I was so thankful for all He does and all He’s going to do, my peace inside just flourished.
God, made a way for us not to loose the car, He made a way for our bills to get paid and for them to get caught up, and I was able to get another stereo to listen to my gospel music.
Always Give God Thanks and Praise because if you stop and think you wouldn’t have nothing if it wasn’t for Him. Give Him Thanks for even what you don’t have –– because after all if it wasn’t for Him, where would you be or any of us be!
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